Forums - what was the first fighting game character you ever picked and why? Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- what was the first fighting game character you ever picked and why? ( Posted by Fenrir171 on 05:24:2001 07:52 AM: what was the first fighting game character you ever picked and why? what was the first character you ever picked in a fighting game? why did you pick him/her? and what makes you choose new characters over old ones? Posted by LOLO on 05:24:2001 08:41 AM: i chose Ryu in SF2 to play w/... just didn't like his Shoryuken and Tatsumaki much... so i switch to Ken... Posted by Zero on 05:24:2001 08:53 AM: Chun-Li/SF2:WW. First game Zero played where a female character was playable. Posted by dr.Dink on 05:24:2001 09:32 AM: Dhalsim was my first pick....*cough* Why'd I pick him? Its obvious those elephants in the background said to pick dhalsim. Plus he danced kinda funny. Posted by Natedogg on 05:24:2001 09:32 AM: Ken in SF. I dont remember how, probably because it was either him or ryu and the other guy was already playing. This was the machine that had the punch buttons if you can remember. I was about 8 years old and i pounded the Huge Buttons and shook the stick, I threw out a fireball and the crowd (what seemed like 20 yearolds) gasped. It was fun but I lost. Posted by shin_ken83 on 05:24:2001 09:37 AM: I started playing only about 2-3 years ago My first pick was Sakura. And my reasoning?? Definately the win pose entitled the "Sakura Dance". Everytime she did it I couldnt help laughing. Posted by Bezerka on 05:24:2001 10:43 AM: I picked Ryu the first time i played sf2 cause the charater selection box starts on him. Posted by psx2000 on 05:24:2001 11:17 AM: guile cause i seen everyone own with him in old school sf2 ww. Posted by Bastion on 05:24:2001 11:54 AM: I played SF2:ww for about one day, I played as Blanka and kept doing the was a elite strategy. But not being able to play as the boss characters (more specific Vega, and Bison) just PISSED me off, cause I wanted to play as them SO bad. So I quit until CE came out at which point I actually started Bison. I think I thought I wouldn't lose if I picked the boss because he was so unbeatable when I played against him. So stupid....I was so stupid. Posted by Mr Creed on 05:24:2001 11:54 AM: I dont know who my first pick in a fighting game was but as far as SF2WW goes the man was Blanka. I didnt know jack shit about SF back then and I guess I chose him 'cause he looked the meanest. I saw the computer use him too and I liked his win pose roar "Urraawww, urraawww, urraawww!" Well you guys know how he sounded Posted by Fenrir171 on 05:24:2001 12:17 PM: the first character in a fighting game i picked was the black ninja in kung fu... Posted by Fenrir171 on 05:24:2001 12:18 PM: the first streetfighter character i picked had to have been guile... i liked jets and he had the best move in the game... the flash kick... Posted by JuliJuniper on 05:24:2001 03:10 PM: Had to be Chun Li in SF2:WW. Then I upgraded to Ryu when the SNES had the game. Good old SF2:WW Ryu with the psychic jab dragon punch that could hit you from half a screen away. Posted by AMEnoMURAKUMO on 05:24:2001 03:13 PM: mines was zangief..but that was the little kid mentality...pick the biggest guy you can cause "hes strong and can kick everyone's ass"...then i started playin the game more and i began to get a liking for guile...still do...every one of my cvs teams involve guile Posted by ytz16 on 05:24:2001 03:20 PM: well.. I can't remember the first fighting game I played... (I played ALOT of games as a little kid...) but I definately remember picking Blanka as my first character, then getting WHOOPED silly against Ken. HE DONE HIS TATSUMAKI AGAINST ME WHILE I WAS IN THE CORNER!. Needless to say, I was in shock, instantly reduced to tears and vowing never to play that 'rubbish game' again. Posted by AMEnoMURAKUMO on 05:24:2001 03:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by ytz16 but I definately remember picking Blanka as my first character, then getting WHOOPED silly against Ken. HE DONE HIS TATSUMAKI AGAINST ME WHILE I WAS IN THE CORNER!. orange you glad capcom decided to give blanka his AA? Posted by Mmeeva on 05:24:2001 03:25 PM: The first guy I played with was with Ryu. Course this was SF1 and you could only be Ryu and Ken and even then I didn't know about it. I only played it once, so I don't recall too much of it. When SF2 rolled around I remember picking Blanka first. I was like damn a monster, he's got to be cool. Posted by AKUMA2000 on 05:24:2001 04:34 PM: Ryu and Ken in SF2T, because ryu's hurricane kick was great for knocking opponents out the air & ken's hurricane kick drained MUCH life from your health meter making you dizzy at the same time.... ....but later i switched to the dark side of shotokhan with Akuma in the Alpha series...."SHOUSHI" Posted by cptrugged on 05:24:2001 04:44 PM: Either Chun Li or Blanka in SF2:WW Can't quite remember. Chun Li cause she was a cool fighting chic. or Blanka cause he was all freaky crazy cool. Posted by Majin_Ken on 05:24:2001 04:52 PM: Ken in SF2: World Warriors, cause he had the same name as I did and I had never seen a video game character with my name. I still use Ken today in every SF game. Posted by BabiG on 05:24:2001 05:00 PM: Ken in SF2:WW because I didn't know what I was doing, and all the people that looked like they knew what they were doing picked Ken. Posted by Gambit on 05:24:2001 06:32 PM: Blanka in SF2:WW, because he was the monster guy, and I was 7 . I quickly found out I didn't like him, and started playing Guile. Posted by Truedragon on 05:24:2001 06:38 PM: Ryu in SF2. Everyone was like pick him! So I did and the rest is history, well not really I don't use Ryu anymore. Posted by The Mad Monkey on 05:24:2001 09:16 PM: That guy in the white gi in Karate Champ. Damn I've been playing games too long. Posted by colguile on 05:24:2001 09:46 PM: Guile in Street Fighter 2. He kicked ass in the arcades along with Blanka. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:24:2001 11:13 PM: Zangief in SF2:WW 'Cuz my cousin played first, and CPU Zangief handed him his ass. (Didn't quite get the competition thing at that age) -DFA Posted by Spider-Dan on 05:24:2001 11:21 PM: Dhalsim in WW, because, as my friends and I said at the time: "Dude, he can hit you from all the way across the screen!!!" Posted by IronPanda on 05:24:2001 11:26 PM: Ryu in SF2. He just looked the coolest. Posted by Don Knotts on 05:24:2001 11:29 PM: It was probably Blanka or Guile on SF2. They appealed to my young mind. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:13 PM. Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.